The cashew has benefits from the leaves, bark, gum etc.. Cashew leaves are used for toothaches, gum problems, treating malaria, diabetes, sore throat, as well as febrifuge. Young leaves are used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhoids. Older leaves are used as hot poultices for burns and skin disorders. The bark is used to detoxify snake bite, for fevers, laxative, rid intestinal parasites, treat diabetes, make an astringent decoction, treat toothache and inflammations of the gums. Tea from the bark is used as a vaginal douche. The gum is applied to leprosy, corns and fungal conditions. The caustic shell oil and fruit are used as skin stimulants and cauterizing agents The oil is used very sparingly to eliminate warts, corns, ringworm, leprosy, elephantitis, psoriasis, ulcers and gastrointestinal ailments. External use: amenorrhea, and internally for dysentery, for severely itching rashes with blistering and facial erysipelas